A Selection of Infra Red Images
© Reserved - none of the images on this site are in the public domain David Robinson ARPS reserves the copyright to his images - they may not be downloaded or used for any purpose whatsoever
David Robinson ARPS

About Me:

I am a retired Civil Engineer with a passion for traditional photography.  My particular interests are Landscape and Sport Photography although I also dabble in other genres. I have a special interest in digital infra-red and monochrome. Please browse my Galleries and I hope you enjoy looking at my work. In 2019 I was a Finalist in the International Garden Photographer of the Year for a Portfolio in Abstract View I am a long standing member of Ipswich & District Photographic Society and the Suffolk Monochrome Group


Cameras:Olympus OMD-M1 MkII, OMD M1 MkIII, OMD EM5II converted for infra-red Lenses :Olympus 14-150, 9-14, 60 Macro, 150-300, 40-150, 14-42 pancake, x2 Converter, 100-400, 12 f2


Adobe CC, DXO Nik Collection. DXO Photolab 4, Topaz Suite

What I do


My favourite locations are coastal scenes especially cliff, rocks and stormy seas. The North Antrim Coast is a particular favourite location but I have recently enjoyed trips to S W Ireland, Donegal and Scotland. Further afield I have been able to visit Japan’s Hokkaido in winter and Honshu for autumn colour. I have also travelled widely in Europe, visited USA, Australia, New Zealand and Asia. Infra-Red landscape photography is a particular interest.


Opportunities to photograph sport have been non-existent in 2020. So I hope to be able to get back to Motocross, Super Bike Racing, Jet Ski Racing, White Water Canoe Slalom and Rugby when the current virus crisis eases.

Other Genres:

I also enjoy urban architecture, nature photography, and garden photography.


I am primarily a print worker with a preference for monochrome but I also produce colour prints. Latterly with photography clubs limited to virtual meetings via Zoom I have been producing digital images for projection.

Other Activities:

I give occasional talks to clubs and judge some club competitions locally. I regularly demonstrate techniques using Adobe CC to Ipswich & DPS membership.
This Portfolio was a Finalist in IGPOY 2019